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Time:May 23rd, 2023

The difference between using sidewall conveyor and belt conveyor to convey wood chips

There are several key differences between sidewall belt conveyors and belt conveyors when conveying wood chips:
1. Containment. sidewall belt conveyors provide full containment of the wood chips, preventing spillage. Belt conveyors typically have some openings on the sides and below the belt, allowing for material spillage, especially of small particles.
2. Inclination. sidewall belt conveyors can operate at steeper inclinations, up to 90 degrees vertical. Belt conveyors are typically limited to inclinations of 20 degrees or less. The steep inclination capability of sidewall belt conveyors allows for smaller footprint conveying systems.
The difference between using sidewall conveyor and belt conveyor to convey wood chips
3. Wear and tear. sidewall belt conveyors experience very little wear since the wood chips are not in direct contact with the conveyor components. Belt conveyors undergo significant wear from the wood chips, requiring more frequent belt replacement and maintenance.
4. Cleaning. sidewall belt conveyors require little cleaning since the wood chips do not stick to the conveyor. Spillage and carryback on belt conveyors requires regular cleaning to prevent buildup.
5. Load carrying. sidewall belt conveyors can carry higher loads of light, bulky materials like wood chips relative to their size. The fully enclosed design provides better load support. Belt conveyors may require higher belt tensions and more robust construction to carry the same load.
6. Cost. sidewall belt conveyors tend to have higher capital costs, though lower operating and maintenance costs compared to belt conveyors when handling wood chips. The cost difference depends on factors like required conveyor length, capacity and life span.
In summary, while belt conveyors may have some cost advantage for low-duty wood chip conveying applications, sidewall belt conveyors often provide significant benefits for higher capacity conveying due to better containability, lower power requirements, less wear and minimal spillage. For these reasons, sidewall belt conveyors are commonly used in wood chip transport and handling systems.
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